How To Calm Your Nerves Before An Interview

Ways To Calm Your Interview Nerves

You’ve meticulously reviewed every imaginable interview question. You’ve thoroughly delved into the company’s details from end to end. You’ve eagerly awaited and diligently prepared for this moment, which seems to have been in the making for an eternity, and now it’s nearly upon you.

However, your nerves are getting the best of you. It could be mere hours away, or perhaps only a handful of minutes, regardless, you’re determined to take action to regain your composure and calm before the impending event.

Fortunately, you’re reading this blog , as we’re about to present you with a few strategies that you can put into practice immediately to alleviate those interview jitters—among them, you’re likely to discover an approach that resonates with you.

Take a Stroll
Fresh air can work wonders for anyone’s state of mind. If you’re dealing with a phone interview, consider taking a leisurely walk around your neighborhood (or if you’re feeling particularly motivated, engage in a jog to release those beneficial endorphins). If it’s an in-person interview, allocate five minutes before entering the premises to amble around and clear your thoughts.

Engage the S.T.O.P Method
As recommended by a renowned sports coach, this method offers a powerful mental strategy to confront stressful situations head-on. It follows these steps:

Stop your current activity and direct your focus to your thoughts.
Take a few deep breaths
Observe the sensations manifesting in your body, emotions, and mind, along with the reasons behind them.
Proceed with a conscious intent to integrate your observations into your subsequent actions.
The significance of this technique lies in its ability to decelerate your thought process and be deliberate not just in your actions, but also in the emotions you allow to take precedence. It serves as a reminder that you possess the capacity to dispel your own apprehensions, uncertainties, and nerves even within the most high-pressure scenarios.

Prepare for the Worst
No matter the nature of your primary concern, there’s invariably a solution at hand. Concerned about an unsightly piece of food lingering in your teeth? Include a small mirror and dental floss in your bag (among other indispensable items that should always accompany you to an interview). Apprehensive about responding inadequately to a challenging question? Take proactive measures and master the art of skillfully addressing gaps in your knowledge. By anticipating potential challenges, you can genuinely find solace in the knowledge that even if the worst-case scenario materializes, you’re eminently equipped to tackle it.

Compile an Interview Reference Sheet
Equally vital to bracing for adversity is preparing in its entirety. The more you have at your disposal, the less there is to be concerned about. Initiate a note on your smartphone and record all essential particulars—the address of the venue, the name of the hiring manager, the scheduled time, the three key points you intend to convey during the interview, your queries, and any other pertinent details. When the moment is ripe, consult this compilation and experience an enhanced sense of confidence, knowing you’ve accounted for every crucial aspect.

Schedule a Post-Interview Treat
While the prospect of enduring a couple of hours in front of a complete stranger while grappling with nervousness might not be enticing, what if there were something delightful awaiting you at the other end? Perhaps a sumptuous meal, a soothing massage, or indulging in your favorite Netflix series? Whatever holds the appeal, make the necessary arrangements so that it’s readily available as soon as you conclude the interview. This way, you’ll have a captivating incentive to anticipate and focus on, rather than dwelling on your jitters.

Enjoy a Wholesome Breakfast (or Lunch)
Embarking on a successful interview commences with a satisfying meal. For some, this entails opting for a health-conscious choice replete with energy-boosting antioxidants. For others, it might involve savoring comforting comfort foods. There’s no universally correct answer—prioritize what suits you best (and ensure it’s substantial—effective interview responses can’t be given on an empty stomach).

Administer Self-Encouragement
Engaging in self-dialogue isn’t a sign of eccentricity—it’s a sign of astuteness (backed by scientific evidence that attests to its motivational impact). Impart to yourself all the affirmations you require: acknowledge your intellect, recognize your qualifications for the role, and anticipate your triumphant performance. Vocalize these affirmations (speaking them aloud reinforces their effect) and do so with conviction. Naturally, ensure you’re in a quiet environment for this exercise.