Upload CV Online on SPTO Jobslink

Upload cv online

Applying for jobs vacancies has now been made easier on SPTO Jobslink. Here are a few tips on how you can upload  CV online on SPTO Jobslink and other documents when applying for a job.

Tip: You need to have a CV ready before you upload your CV online. 

1.Head over to www.sptojobslink.com and log into your account.

2. Click on your profile picture on the far right where you will be presented with a list of options. Select CV & Cover Letter and you will be redirected to your candidate dashboard.

Uploading CV

3. Select browse and upload your CV

Cover Letter


4. Type in/copy the contents of your Cover Letter in the Cover Letter field

5. And you are all set, now all that’s left is to apply for a job.

6. Head over to the jobs section you will find a list of jobs. Click on the job and click on the”Apply for this Job” button and fill in your details. Notice that the CV you uploaded will automatically be loaded to that particular vacancy that you are applying for.

Applying for a job