Tourism & Hospitality
Posted: 16-10-2024
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Tender No: 24/011
Date: 7 October 2024
To: Interested Consultants
You are requested to submit a comprehensive proposal for the above consultancy as per the Terms of Reference set out in Annex I
To assist with your submission, please find enclosed:
Annex I: Terms of Reference
Annex II:  Consultant’s Letter to SPTO Confirming Interest and Availability for the Consultancy Services
Annex III: Technical Proposal Submission Form
Annex IV: Financial Proposal Submission Form
1. Background
1.1. The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is an intergovernmental organisation based in Suva Fiji mandated to market and develop tourism in the Pacific.  Its vision is for the Pacific islands’ empowered and benefitting from sustainable tourism.
1.2. With a membership of 20 Pacific Island Countries and over 140 private sector members, SPTO’s work focuses on three (3) key priority areas which include robust research and statistics, sustainable tourism planning and development and marketing.   For more information, see
2. Specifications
2.1 SPTO invites proposals from qualified and experienced consultants who can offer their services to develop the Pacific Sustainable Tourism Criteria/Guidelines.
2.2 The successful applicant will need to submit the final deliverable by 25th February 2025 in line with the agreed contractual arrangements and Deliverables & Indicative Timelines per the Terms of Reference.
2.3 Please click here to view the Terms of Reference set out in Annex I.
3. Conditions:  Information for consultants
To be considered for this tender, interested consultants must meet all the requirements in the Terms of Reference as well as conditions below:
3.1 Provide three professional references relevant to this proposal submission, including the most relevant recent work completed.
3.2 Provide examples of relevant past work outputs to support how you meet each of the evaluation criteria.
3.3 Complete the Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability (please note you are required to complete all areas in full as requested on the form, particularly the Statements to demonstrate you meet the selection criteria – DO NOT refer us to your CV or your Technical Proposal. Failure to do this will result in the application not being considered).
4. Submission instructions
4.1 The proposal should demonstrate that the interested consultant satisfies the conditions stated above and is capable of meeting the specifications and timeframes, and provide supporting examples to address the evaluation criteria.
4.2 The documentation should outline the interested consultant’s complete proposal:
a) CV of proposed personnel highlighting relevant experience
b) A Technical Proposal which should outline the interested consultant’s Methodology or approach including timelines to achieve the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference. Please click here to view.
c) A Financial Proposal which clearly outlines the fees component of the consultancy. Please click here to view.
d) A Completed Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability- Please click here to view.
e) Business License
4.3 Bidders must insist on an acknowledgment of receipt of proposals.
5. Proposal Clarification
Any clarification questions from applicants must be submitted by email to [email protected] before 4:00pm 18th October 2024 Fiji Time.
6. Evaluation Criteria
6.1 SPTO will select the preferred consultant on the basis of SPTO’s evaluation of the extent to which their documentation demonstrates that they offer the best value for money, and that they satisfy the criteria listed in this document and in ANNEX I and summarized below.
Evaluation Criteria, Competency Requirements Score Weight (%)
Criteria 1: Qualification 20
●Bachelor's degree in Communications or Media Relations, with a background in Media Training for Tourism; Content Marketing; Digital Communications or related field will be desirable;
Criteria 2: Technical experience/Criteria/Standards/Guidelines Development 30
●More than 7 years of progressive work experience designing communications and media learning modules;
o The consultant should demonstrate a deep understanding of instructional design and the ability to develop learning modules specifically tailored to communications and media. Over 7 years of experience ensures they have the technical proficiency to create modules that effectively convey concepts, skills, and strategies to learners, particularly in the tourism sector.
oThis experience should reflect an evolution in designing and updating educational materials in line with current digital trends and learner needs, ensuring that the consultant is equipped to develop relevant, engaging, and results-oriented content.
●Strong understanding and broad knowledge of communications strategies, media relations advocacy, and storytelling:
o The consultant should be well-versed in various communication strategies used to engage stakeholders, manage public relations, and promote destinations. This includes familiarity with both traditional and digital media, and an ability to align messages with tourism goals.
oThe ideal candidate should be able to craft compelling narratives that resonate with target audiences, using storytelling techniques to promote tourism initiatives, build trust, and foster stronger connections between tourism destinations and their audiences.
●This experience should reflect an evolution in designing and updating educational materials in line with current digital trends and learner needs, ensuring that the consultant is equipped to develop relevant, engaging, and results-oriented content.
●Understanding the latest social media trends ensures the consultant can effectively integrate social media strategies into communication plans, helping tourism stakeholders engage with wider audiences.
Criteria 3 General Experience in Key Areas 30
●Experience in working with government institutions, particularly National Tourism Organisations (NTOs), in developing communications strategies, communication plans, and advocacy plans in the Pacific Islands:
o The consultant should have practical experience collaborating with government bodies and NTOs to design and implement communications strategies specific to tourism promotion in the Pacific region. This includes experience tailoring strategies to the unique needs of Pacific Island destinations, considering their cultural, environmental, and economic contexts.
oTheir work should demonstrate an ability to balance local and regional tourism goals, as well as the capacity to advocate for sustainable tourism practices. Experience in working with government institutions, particularly the National Tourism Organisations in developing communications strategies; communications plans, and advocacy plans in the Pacific Islands;
●Experience working with regional and international organisations or large-scale projects indicates that the consultant is familiar with global best practices, complex project management, and collaboration with multi-national stakeholders. This experience is beneficial for understanding diverse tourism markets and implementing communications strategies that can adapt to a range of contexts.
●An understanding of international standards in tourism communication, crisis management, and advocacy is crucial to ensure that strategies align with global trends while addressing local needs.
●The portfolio should demonstrate the consultant’s ability to design user-friendly interfaces, produce engaging content, and successfully implement communications strategies that met their clients' goals.
Criteria 4 Relevance of Approach/Methodology to Assignment 20
●Provide a clear and well-thought-out Methodology for meeting the requirements of the Scope of Services and specific deliverables expected throughout the assignment.
●Sound and practical approach that allows for the inclusive engagement of stakeholders noting the remote delivery of outputs and diversity of issues and competing stakeholder interests
●Clear and realistic timeframe including confirmation of availability
Total Score 100
Qualification Score 70
7. Deadline
7.1 The due date for submission of the tender is 4:00pm Fiji Time  18th October,  2024
7.2 Late submissions will be NOT be considered.
SPTO reserves the right to reject any or all submissions and the lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted.
By participating in the procurement procedure, you agree that SPTO may withdraw a procurement procedure at any time prior to issue of Purchase Order or signature or a contract without the bidder being entitled to claim any compensation